A rectangular resonator with holes embedded in two plane-transverse resonant diaphragms
is built in a plane infinite waveguide. The problem of diffraction of the intrinsic wave
of a waveguide incident on the diaphragm (hole in the wall of the resonator) is solved. The paired
series functional equations of the diffraction problem, by the method of integral-adder identities, are
reduced to an infinite set of linear algebraic equations, which is solved by the truncation method.
The initial diffraction problem is studied from the point of view of the resonant passage of the wave
through the resonator region. A computational experiment has shown that partial or complete
passage of a wave through a resonator with holes is observed only at frequencies close to the
eigen frequencies of the resonator without holes, while the holes in the resonator walls (diaphragm
parameters) significantly affect the scattering matrix of this waveguide structure.