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Browsing Научные публикации в Scopus by Author "Burenin R."

Browsing Научные публикации в Scopus by Author "Burenin R."

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  • Brienza M.; Shimwell T.W.; de Gasperin F.; Bikmaev I.; Bonafede A.; Botteon A.; Brüggen M.; Brunetti G.; Burenin R.; Capetti A.; Churazov E.; Hardcastle M.J.; Khabibullin I.; Lyskova N.; Röttgering H.J.A.; Sunyaev R.; van Weeren R.J.; Gastaldello F.; Mandal S.; Purser S.J.D.; Simionescu A.; Tasse C. (2021)
    Active galactic nuclei inject large amounts of energy into their host galaxies and surrounding environment, shaping their properties and evolution1,2. In particular, active-galactic-nuclei jets inflate cosmic-ray lobes, ...
  • Vorobyev V.; Burenin R.; Bikmaev I.; Khamitov I.; Dodonov S.; Zhuchkov R.; Irtuganov E.; Mescheryakov A.; Melnikov S.; Semena A.; Tkachenko A.; Aghanim N.; Sunyaev R. (2016)
    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.We present the results of spectroscopic redshift measurements for the galaxy clusters from the first all-sky Planck catalogue that have been mostly identified based on the optical observations ...
  • Revnivtsev M.; Burenin R.; Bikmaev I.; Kniazev A.; Buckley D.; Pretorius M.; Khamitov I.; Ak T.; Eker Z.; Melnikov S.; Crawford S.; Pavlinsky M. (2010)
    We study the power spectra of the variability of seven intermediate polars containing magnetized asynchronous accreting white dwarfs, XSS J00564+4548, IGR J00234+6141, DO Dra, V1223 Sgr, IGR J15094-6649, IGR J16500-3307 ...
  • Revnivtsev M.; Fabrika S.; Abolmasov P.; Postnov K.; Bikmaev I.; Burenin R.; Pavlinsky M.; Sunyaev R.; Khamitov I.; Sakhibullin N. (2006)
    We present broad band power spectra of variations of SS433 in radio, optical and X-ray spectral bands. We show that at frequencies lower than 10 -5 Hz the source demonstrates the same variability pattern in all these bands. ...
  • Perrott Y.; Olamaie M.; Rumsey C.; Brown M.; Feroz F.; Grainge K.; Hobson M.; Lasenby A.; MacTavish C.; Pooley G.; Saunders R.; Schammel M.; Scott P.; Shimwell T.; Titterington D.; Waldram E.; Aghanim N.; Arnaud M.; Ashdown M.; Aussel H.; Barrena R.; Bikmaev I.; Böhringer H.; Burenin R.; Carvalho P.; Chon G.; Comis B.; Dahle H.; Democles J.; Douspis M.; Harrison D.; Hempel A.; Hurier G.; Khamitov I.; Kneissl R.; MacÍas-Pérez J.; Melin J.; Pointecouteau E.; Pratt G.; Rubiño-Martín J.; Stolyarov V.; Sutton D. (2015)
    © 2015 ESO. We present observations and analysis of a sample of 123 galaxy clusters from the 2013 Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich sources with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI), a ground-based radio interferometer. ...
  • Chudaykin A.; Gorbunov D.; Starobinsky A.; Burenin R. (2015)
    © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl. We address the cosmological role of an additional (1) eV sterile neutrino in modified gravity models. We confront the present cosmological data with predictions of the FLRW ...
  • Lutovinov A.; Revnivtsev M.; Karasev D.; Shimansky V.; Burenin R.; Bikmaev I.; Vorob’ev V.; Tsygankov S.; Pavlinsky M. (2015)
    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. We present the results of the the identification of six objects from the ASCA Galactic center and Galactic plane surveys: AX J173548-3207, AX J173628-3141, AX J1739.5-2910, AX J1740.4-2856, ...
  • De Ugarte Postigo A.; Fatkhullin T.; Jóhannesson G.; Gorosabel J.; Sokolov V.; Castro-Tirado A.; Balega Y.; Spiridonova O.; Jelínek M.; Guziy S.; Pérez-Ramírez D.; Hjorth J.; Laursen P.; Bersier D.; Pandey S.; Bremer M.; Monfardini A.; Huang K.; Urata Y.; Ip W.; Tamagawa T.; Kinoshita D.; Mizuno T.; Arai Y.; Yamagishi H.; Soyano T.; Usui F.; Tashiro M.; Abe K.; Onda K.; Aslan Z.; Khamitov I.; Ozisik T.; Kiziloglu U.; Bikmaev I.; Sakhibullin N.; Burenin R.; Pavlinsky M.; Sunyaev R.; Bhattacharya D.; Kamble A.; Chandra C.; Trushkin S. (2007)
    Aims. Understand the shape and implications of the multiband ligth curve of GRB 050408, an X-ray rich (XRR) burst. Methods. We present a multiband optical light curve, covering the time from the onset of the γ-ray event ...
  • Revnivtsev M.; Burenin R.; Fabrika S.; Postnov K.; Bikmaev I.; Pavlinsky M.; Sunyaev R.; Khamitov I.; Aslan Z. (2004)
    We present results of first simultaneous optical and X-ray observations of peculiar binary system SS433. For the first time, chaotic variability of SS433 in the optical spectral band (R band) on time scales as small as ...
  • Sazonov S.; Gilfanov M.; Medvedev P.; Yao Y.; Khorunzhev G.; Semena A.; Sunyaev R.; Burenin R.; Lyapin A.; Meshcheryakov A.; Uskov G.; Zaznobin I.; Postnov K.A.; Dodin A.V.; Belinski A.A.; Cherepashchuk A.M.; Eselevich M.; Dodonov S.N.; Grokhovskaya A.A.; Kotov S.S.; Bikmaev I.F.; Zhuchkov R.Y.; Gumerov R.I.; Van Velzen S.; Kulkarni S. (2021)
    We present the first sample of tidal disruption events (TDEs) discovered during the SRG all-sky survey. These 13 events were selected among X-ray transients detected in the 0° < l < 180° hemisphere by eROSITA during its ...
  • Meshcheryakov A.; Glazkova V.; Gerasimov S.; Burenin R.; Khorunzhev G. (2015)
    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. A new method for measuring the redshifts of galaxy clusters based on photometric SDSSIII data is presented. Highly accurate photo-z measurements for red-sequence galaxies using machine ...
  • Lutovinov A.; Burenin R.; Revnivtsev M.; Suleimanov V.; Tkachenko A. (2010)
    We present the results of our optical identification of the X-ray source IGR J16547-1916 detected by the INTEGRAL observatory during a deep all-sky survey. Analysis of the spectroscopic data from the SWIFT and INTEGRAL ...
  • Burenin R.; Mescheryakov A.; Revnivtsev M.; Sazonov S.; Bikmaev I.; Pavlinsky M.; Sunyaev R. (2008)
    We present the results of our optical identifications of a set of X-ray sources from the INTEGRAL and SWIFT all-sky surveys. The optical data have been obtained with the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish Telescope (RTT-150). Nine X-ray ...
  • Bikmaev I.; Sunyaev R.; Revnivtsev M.; Burenin R. (2006)
    We present the first results of a campaign to optically identify X-ray sources discovered in the all-sky surveys of the RXTE and INTEGRAL observatories. Six newly discovered sources proved to be hitherto unknown nearby ...
  • Khamitov I.; Burenin R.; Bikmaev I.; Sakhibullin N.; Pavlinsky M.; Sunyaev R.; Aslan Z. (2007)
    Multicolor photometric observations of the optical afterglow from GRB 060526 with the Russian-Turkish 1.5-m RTT-150 telescope (Mount Bakyrlytepe, Turkey) are presented. The afterglow light curve was measured in detail ...
  • Lutovinov A.; Burenin R.; Revnivtsev M.; Bikmaev I. (2012)
    We present results of optical identifications of six hard X-ray sources from the INTEGRAL and Swift all-sky surveys (IGR J03249+4041, SWIFT J1449. 5+8602, SWIFT J1542. 0-1410, IGR J17009+3559, IGR J18151-1052, IGR J18538-0102). ...
  • Burenin R.; Bikmaev I.; Evnivtsev M.; Tomsick J.; Sazonov S.; Pavlinsky M.; Sunyaev R. (2009)
    We present the results of our optical identification of the hard X-ray source IGR J18257-0707 through its spectrophotometric observations with the optical RTT-150 telescope. The accurate position of the X-ray source ...
  • Bikmaev I.; Burenin R.; Revnivtsev M.; Sazonov S.; Sunyaev R.; Pavlinsky M.; Sakhibullin N. (2008)
    The results of optical identifications of five hard X-ray sources in the Galactic plane from the INTEGRAL all-sky survey are presented. The X-ray data on one source (IGR J20216+4359) are published for the first time. The ...
  • Zaznobin I.; Burenin R.; Bikmaev I.; Khamitov I.; Khorunzhev G.; Konoplev V.; Eselevich M.; Afanasiev V.; Dodonov S.; Rubiño-Martín J.; Aghanim N.; Sunyaev R. (2019)
    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. We present the results of optical identifications and spectroscopic redshift measurements for galaxy clusters from the second Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources. We used the ...
  • Bikmaev I.; Revnivtsev M.; Burenin R.; Sunyaev R.; Sakhibullin N. (2006)
    We present the first results of our project on optical identifications of INTEGRAL / RXTE hard X-ray sources by using scientific instrumentations of the 1.5-meter joint Russian-Turkish optical telescope RTT150. As the ...

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