We draw attention to the difference between digitization inner (in-
ternal) and outer (external). So popular nowadays, the video recording of ordinary
lectures, transmitted via digital channels, is not true digitization of education. It is, so
to say, "analogous digitization", superimposed externally on the education process.
Such a "digitization" is natural to call external (or, better, facade). Another thing is
internal digitization, coming from the essence of subjects, carried out in organic unity with them. Only such a digitization of the education process we consider genuine. An
excellent tool for implementing just such a digitization is, created by Donald Knut and
Leslie Lamport - a desktop publishing system for a comfortable set up of scientific
texts. In our article, we give after a brief reference on for those who are not familiar with it and, after that, show in detail on some our products how allows the true digitization of the mathematics teaching.