В работе на основе численного решения уравнений движения многофазных сред получе-
на модель динамики газовзвеси и дрейфа дисперсной фазы в нелинейных волновых полях
акустической и электростатической природы, а также разработана математиче-
ская модель динамики взвеси частиц с многокомпонентной дисперсной фазой.
The mathematical model of quasi-neutral dusty plasma, condensed phase of which has multifraction
structure, is presented by the particles having various size and consisting of substances with various
physical properties. The offered model of dusty plasma is developed on the basis of the polydisperse
multi-speed and multitemperature gas-suspension dynamics theory, taking into account speed and
temperature delay of the condensed fractions particles. At the same time, it is supposed that disperse
inclusions represent the spherical particles differing in the size and materials which particles consist
of, they can have various density and heat conductivity.