Background. Tere have been many psychological studies, which show what factors enhance
creative thinking in childhood, including studies on the impact of intelligence,
personality, self-esteem, and other characteristics. But little is known of the impact of
cultural congruence on the enhancement of creative thinking in childhood. In that regard,
it would be interesting to explore whether cultural congruence infuences the enhancement
of the creative thinking of primary school students.
Objective. Tis study is aimed at examining the impact of cultural congruence on
enhancing the creative thinking of primary school students. Cultural congruence can be
described as a personality trait based on compliance with the rules which a society determines
appropriate according to age and culture. 303 respondents participated in this
study, of which 293 were primary school students aged 8-10 years (M=9, ?0.5), and 10
were primary school teachers who worked with these children.