
Общее число посещений

Current state and development trends of professional foreign language higher education system in Russia and the USA: abstract of thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogic sciences: 5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education/ Khanipova Regina Rafaelyevna; Department of European languages and cultures institute of international relations Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "Kazan (Volga Region) federal university" 37

Посещений за месяц

Январь 2024 Февраль 2024 Март 2024 Апрель 2024 Май 2024 Июнь 2024 Июль 2024
Current state and development trends of professional foreign language higher education system in Russia and the USA: abstract of thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogic sciences: 5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education/ Khanipova Regina Rafaelyevna; Department of European languages and cultures institute of international relations Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "Kazan (Volga Region) federal university" 0 0 0 30 3 3 1

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