Transformation of the regional pension system to the social cluster: abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 5.2.3 – Regional and sectoral economy (regional economy): 5.2.1 - Economic theory/ Ibragimova Gulyia Magdutovna; Department of social sphere management of the Kazan (Volga region) federal university
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Transformation of the regional pension system to the social cluster: abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 5.2.3 – Regional and sectoral economy (regional economy): 5.2.1 - Economic theory/ Ibragimova Gulyia Magdutovna; Department of social sphere management of the Kazan (Volga region) federal university
Авторефераты диссертаций [18888] Коллекция содержит авторефераты диссертаций, защищенных в Казанском федеральном университете (до 2009 г. Казанский государственный университет)