
Общее число посещений

Effect of systemic innovation in the dynamics of indicators of agricultural productionin modern Russian economy: synopsisthesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: speciality 08.00.05 - economy and management of a national economy (economy, the organization and management of enterprises , branches, complexes - agribusiness and agriculture; management innovation) 59

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Effect of systemic innovation in the dynamics of indicators of agricultural productionin modern Russian economy: synopsisthesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences: speciality 08.00.05 - economy and management of a national economy (economy, the organization and management of enterprises , branches, complexes - agribusiness and agriculture; management innovation) 10 0 1 2 4 3 3

Обращения к файлам

2016-090.pdf 1

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Россия 26

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Kazan 26

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