The relevance of the study is due to the need to identify the position of teachers in their professional activities, the manifestation of its reflective activity. A special attitude of the teacher to his own activity, when the very content of this activity is for the teacher as an object of analysis, reflection and evaluation, characterizes the reflective teacher. It is important that each teacher takes a similar position. In the modern conditions, the modernization of the national education takes on a special significance of the teacher's reflection. Without a reflective view of yourself, your activity and its effectiveness, it is not possible for the teacher to develop personally, to identify and comprehend the reasons for his successes and failures, and hence a successful solution. The purpose of this article is to investigate the difficulties in the reflective activity of teachers with different teaching experience. Research methods: In the process of research, an analysis of the scientific literature, included observation, ascertaining the pedagogical experiment, testing, expert survey, analysis of the results of the experimental work of the empirical study, as well as statistical processing of quantitative research results. Results of the study: Diagnosis of the difficulty level in reflexive activity was carried out with the help of the author's test questionnaire "My reflexive difficulties". The questionnaire includes 6 components of reflexive activity difficulties and reveals the difficulties of the theoretical-methodological, motivational, value-semantic, emotional, process-activity and research character. Relevance of the study: The study showed the need to identify reflexive difficulties and the formation of reflexive skills. Awareness of the need for reflexive activity in practical comprehension is developed by the installation for constant introspection, assessment and self-assessment, as well as analysis of the results obtained. Thus a reflexive teacher is formed. The materials of the article can be useful for teachers, teachers of higher educational institutions, researchers for teaching reflexive activity.