We design a scheme of an automated intelligent system for monitoring the evolution of complex composite objects. We develop new methods for the analysis of multi-parameter data for further possible applications in the industry of cyber-physical systems. We describe the possibilities of the Memory Function Formalism and Flicker-Noise Spectroscopy in the analysis of collective phenomena realized in complex systems of a living and astrophysical nature. We determine diagnostic criteria for photosensitive epilepsy by the analysis of the power spectra of magnetoencephalogram signals of healthy subjects and patients. We establish different mechanisms of disk accretion by the study of cross-correlations in radio emission signals of quasars at different frequencies. The effects of frequency phase synchronization are studied based on the construction of 3D cross-correlators. We performed calculations of the dynamic and spectral characteristics of simultaneously recorded signals in the MatLab environment. We note prospects of using methods of statistical physics in the development of integrated data analysis systems in the field of the Internet of Things.