A stem relative of dragon- and damselflies, Brunellopteron norradi Béthoux, Deregnaucourt and Norrad gen. et sp. nov., is documented based on a specimen found at Robertson Point (Grand Lake, New Brunswick, Canada; Sunbury Creek Formation; early Moscovian, Pennsylvanian) and preserving the basal half of a hindwing. A comparative analysis of the evolution of wing venation in early odonates demonstrates that it belongs to a still poorly documented subset of species. Specifically, it displays a MP+CuA fusion, a CuA+CuP fusion, and a CuP+AA fusion, but it lacks the "extended"MP+Cu/CuA fusion and the "extended"(CuP/CuA+CuP)+AA fusion, the occurrence of which is typical of most Odonata, including Meganeura-like species. The occurrence of intercalary veins suggests that its closest relative might be Gallotypus oudardi Nel, Garrouste and Roques, 2008, from the Moscovian of northern France.