Messoyakhskoye field, operated by Gazprom Neft, is currently experiencing gas channeling from gas cap in production wells because of strong heterogeneity. Foam for a long has been considered as a good candidate for gas blocking, (Svorstol I. et al., 1996), (Hanssen, J. E., & Dalland, M. 1994), (Aarra, M. G. et al., 1996). However, foam injection for gas blocking in injection well is different from that in production well, where it is necessary to selectively and long-term impact on gas-saturated highly permeable areas without affecting the phase permeability of oil in the reservoir. This paper provides detailed laboratory studies that show how to determine suitable foam systems for gas blocking in production well. For gas blocking in production well, a long half-life time is required to sustain stable foam because a continuous shear of surfactant solution/gas can't be achieved like in injection well. Therefore, reinforced foam by polymer is chosen. Four polymer stabilizers and five foam agents were evaluated using bulk test to determine foaming ability, foam stability, and effect of oil by comparing foam rate and half-life time to determine the suitable foam system. Furthermore, filtration experiments were conducted at reservoir conditions to determine the optimal injection mode by evaluating apparent viscosity, breakthrough pressure gradient, resistance factor, and residual resistance factor. Polymer can significantly improve half-life time (increase foam stability), and the higher the polymer concentration, the longer the half-life time. But simultaneously, a high polymer concentration will increase the initial viscosity of solution, which not only decreases the foam rate, but also increases difficulties in injection. Therefore, an optimal polymer concentration of about 0.15-0.2 wt% is determined considering all these influences. Filtration experiments showed that the apparent viscosity in core first increased and then deceased with foam quality (the ratio of gas volume to foam volume (gas + liquid). The optimal injection mode is co-injection of surfactant/polymer solution and gas to in-situ generate foam at the optimal foam quality of about 0.65. Filtration experiments on the different permeability cores showed that gas-blocking ability of polymer reinforced foam is better in high-permeability cores, which is beneficial for blocking high permeability zone. It should be also noted that under a certain ratio of oil to foam solution (about lower than 1 to 1), the presence of oil slowly decreased foam rate with increasing oil volume, but significantly increased half -life time, which is favorable for foam treatment in production well. This work highlights the difference between foam injection for gas blocking in production well and injection well, and emphasizes the use of polymer reinforced foam. Moreover, this work shows systematic experimental methods for choosing suitable foam systems for gas blocking in production well considering different factors, which provides a guide regarding what kinds of foaming agents and polymer stabilizers should be used and how to evaluate them for designing a pilot application.