In the paper, digital models of a fossil tetrapod skull, obtained by various 3D scanning methods, have been investigated by means of digital metrology. The unique skull of Madygenerpeton pustulatum was selected as example because it is of high interest for the palaeontological community as well as its characteristic surface covered by minute tubercles, thus challenging for digitization. Using the CAD software Geomagic Studio and Autodesk PowerShape, triangulated models generated with the devices AICON SmartScan, Mitutoyo AR Crysta and AR Strato, Artec Space Spider, CREAFORM GoScan, CREAFORM HandyScan and EinScan Pro have been compared with each other in couples. The geometrically and dimensionally closest-fitting models underwent detailed statistical analysis between surface polygons. Rating of the 3D triangulated models was done. Three of them exhibited differences Δd below 0.1 mm, which can be considered highly satisfactory for the smallest tubercles of ca. 0.7 mm diameter.