In modern conditions, the importance of digitalization for the university success in the education market is growing rapidly. Competitiveness, and ultimately survival of the educational institution in the information environment depends on how timely it will be included in this process. This article is devoted to considering the features of the digital transformation process and its impact on the university reputation. The development trends of distance education in Russia are analyzed, main missions of a modern university are examined in detail, and it is proved to maintain its competitiveness in the context of digitalization, the university must implement not only basic - educational and scientific missions, but also new, entrepreneurial and innovative ones. Only those universities that succeed in efficiently operating in all directions will be able to strengthen their positions in the market. The features of monitoring the reputation of the university are revealed, the target audiences, to which communication efforts should be directed, are considered. Particular attention is paid to methods of reputation analysis. One way to maintain a reputation is publicity. Publicity monitoring during the formation of a university's reputation in the context of convergence and digitalization allows one to be more attentive to promotion tools.