As society and technology develop, we have to deal with increasingly complex systems: social, economic, technical: structural and technological, etc. The very concept of "progress"provides for an increase in the level of organization, the complication of the way of organization, an increase in internal connections. Any complication leads to increased interaction and mutual influence. Consequently, any complication objectively creates conditions for an unstable dynamically changing state of the system as a whole. The proposed article discusses artificial material systems that lack information for effective management, i.e. are considered difficult. If the system is created on the basis of strict restrictions, then it is distinguished by its speed, required discreteness, high efficiency in the absence of external calls, but its operation is accompanied by overvoltage, increased energy and other resource consumption, rapid loss of function, decreased productivity and increased risks. In modern conditions, dynamically stable systems are more rational, which are distinguished by a greater ability to return to their original state after a large disturbance. Such systems are distinguished by the presence of active interconnected and mutually influencing continuous processes of exchange of substances, energy and information, as well as their transformation. In addition, these systems are distinguished by a pronounced dissipation of energy [1], and under certain circumstances, the processes are accompanied by the loss of information.