
Общее число посещений

Pecular properties of artistic mastering of the world of childhood in the periods of late XX and early XXI centuries: (according to works of F. Yarullin, G. Gilmanov and R. Bashar): extended abstract submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the scientific degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences (Translated from Russian): 10.01.02 - literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation(Tatar literature) 69

Посещений за месяц

Январь 2024 Февраль 2024 Март 2024 Апрель 2024 Май 2024 Июнь 2024 Июль 2024
Pecular properties of artistic mastering of the world of childhood in the periods of late XX and early XXI centuries: (according to works of F. Yarullin, G. Gilmanov and R. Bashar): extended abstract submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the scientific degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences (Translated from Russian): 10.01.02 - literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation(Tatar literature) 10 0 0 1 0 0 0

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Россия 54

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Kazan 54

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