© 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. We consider anisotropic cosmologies in a particular shift-symmetric Horndeski theory containing the Gμν∂μφ∂νφ coupling, where Gμν is the Einstein tensor. This theory admits stable in the future self-accelerating cosmologies whose tensor perturbations propagate with the velocity very close to the speed of light such that the theory agrees with the gravity wave observations. Surprisingly, we find that the anisotropies within the Bianchi I homogeneous spacetime model are screened at early time by the scalar charge, whereas at late times they are damped in the usual way. Therefore, contrary to what one would normally expect, the early state of the universe in the theory cannot be anisotropic and (locally) homogeneous in the absence of spatial curvature. The early universe cannot be isotropic either, because it should then be unstable with respect to inhomogeneous perturbations. As a result, the early universe should be inhomogeneous. At the same time, we find that in the spatially curved Bianchi IX case the anisotropies can be strong at early times even in the presence of a scalar charge.