© 2020. All Rights Reserved. Since the high potential of petrochemical industry in the creation of environmental impact, environment impact assessment of the development of petrochemical industry is of significant importance. This article considers regional management as the regulation of the behavior of a managed facility (state and non-state) by regional bodies, organizations, officials for the purposes determined by the state and the region. The direction of the facility is carried out by applying a variety of means, such as economic, environmental, administrative, ideological, legal and non-legal. Regional management is studying the formation of objective prerequisites for the economic development of the region, the management of the production structure, social sphere, ensuring living conditions, the resettlement and placement of the economy, the formation of a mechanism for the functioning and management of the economy, social sphere and ecology as well as environmental impact assessment of petrochemical industries. The subject of study, in addition to elements of the internal structure of the region’s governance, should be the links of this region with other regions of the country and states. Such relations are of the greatest importance for the region’s production development, which is caused by the need to exchange raw materials and technologies, equipment and components, products at various stages of value added increment. In the petrochemical industry, it is necessary to take into account high capital costs, air pollution, the uncertainties associated with its strong monopolization, as well as the high potential for increasing the oil recovery ratio and the depth of its chemical processing.