© Faculty of Education. University of Alicante Purpose of the study is to identify markers, “risk zones” that contribute to deviations among representatives of the subculture “roleviks”, to elaborate a technology to correct negative experiences among “role” movement representatives to increase the efficiency of their adaptation. The following research methods were used in this study: “Questionnaire of the hierarchical structure of actual personal fears” (ISAS) methodology to identify phobias; Personality Belief Questionnaire – PBQ to specify dysfunctional beliefs impeding adaptation (emotional well-being, constructive relationships with other people, etc.). The research results suggest that a systematic integrated approach is a necessary condition for the success of the psychological technology aimed at overcoming negative experiences and maladaptation of “role” movement subculture representatives. A combination of diagnostic and correctional models to overcome social fears, deprivation and maladaptation makes up the essence of the technology. The research provides findings that can be used by managers of various levels in the education system, social workers, teachers and practical psychologists in the education system; they can also be of use while organizing special programs for educators, social and psychological services. It has been worked out to help students - “roleviks” to overcome their social fears. It represents a system of single interrelated activities determined to form and develop personal adaptive resources. It has been established that positive changes in adaptation strategies, a decrease in the level of social fears and anxiety are the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the presented psychological-pedagogical technology. It is shown that the applied technology promotes the decrease of experienced fears intensity, forms stress resistance, and contributes to the selection of effective social interaction strategies.