© 2020, Kazan Federal University. All rights reserved. The Federal State Educational Standard for a new generation (FSES of HE 3++) sets out universal and general professional competences for university graduates. Educational structures can define professional competences independently and describe them as professional standards. A means of solving this challenge is to use a group of assessment experts – one of the core academic qualitative methods. This collective expert opinion helps to develop an algorithm for pedagogical competence expertise and for generalizing their quantitative representation and content. The article presents methods for the structure and content of professional competences for undergraduate students majoring in preschool education. These include the group expert assessment method and the procedure for reconciling the determined competences with current legal documents for preschool education. The research focused on competence-based and qualimetric approaches aimed at modeling the outcomes of education. The “framework” sets out the structure of competences that act as the professional quality standards for higher education. The group expert assessment made it possible to identify groups of professional competences and elaborate their content. The authors have determined the academic expertise for the structure and content of professional competences for students who are the future preschool teachers. This involved the examination and harmonization of the requirements of the Professional Standards for “Teachers (teaching practice in the field of preschool, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary education) (a pre-school teacher, a teacher),” and the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. These stages can be implemented in developing the structure and content of professional competencies for students majoring in other areas and profiles of training, which adds to their practical value and usefulness. The findings can be used by university instructors to identify and develop professional competences for undergraduate students following their future job functions and actions as outlined by professional standards.