© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. The report presents the results of research on the creation of CASE tools that provide the ability to effectively build expert systems. As a part of the creation of CASE tools, we focus on building an integrated development environment that includes a combination of SWI-Prolog, Java, Python programming languages, Post-greSQL database management system (DBMS) as well as telemetry tools. On the basis of the created integrated development environment, an experimental version of the expert system was built. This expert system is mainly focused on automating the analysis processes and forming requirements for the software applications and hardware being developed using the built-in telemetry tools and taking into account the specifics of the corresponding subject area. The expert system is performed using the logical rules concerning the characteristics of workstations and corresponding software systems. As a result, the expert system forms requirements and recommendations to the properties of the software and hardware products being developed.