© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020. This research paper addresses the need for digitalization of the economy in socially important areas of the Russian Federation, particularly its regions. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship of digitalization with the processes of inclusive growth and regional development. The study identifies the main directions of the digitalization policy, its overall effectiveness, as well as those processes that make certain public goods more accessible for the population, namely: education, healthcare, security, infrastructure and their possible impact on inequality and the level of income of the population. Problems are identified in the existing national and regional digitalization policy, which is not able to ensure a steady increase in citizens' incomes, high-quality and affordable higher education, as well as reduce the social tension of the population. Based on the foregoing, the authors offer recommendations for resolving these problems in terms of a digitalization approach and an improved digitalization policy with a view to sustainable inclusive socio-economic growth and development of the Russian Federation regions.