© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) The period of study in an educational institution that provides professional education services is of great importance for the individual, as it is at this time that he begins to take part in industrial relations, to demonstrate a mature, meaningful perception of his own profession, supported by a clear motivation and a formed system of values. The intensification of personal responsibility for their own social well-being and contribution to a particular professional activity should be combined with the intensification of the responsibility of the educational institution for the level of training of the future employee. In the context of the research, the tasks of ensuring professional self-identification (hereinafter - PS) are not limited to the choice of specialty and profile. This process helps students to assess adequately the prospects for revealing their own identity in the framework of their upcoming professional activities. PS is interpreted by the scientific community as both a process and a result of the evolution of a specialist, each phase of which has a different functional content. At the same time, special attention is paid to late adolescence, as it is during this period that issues related to the choice of the sphere of application of daily paid efforts acquire an expressed, far from speculative relevance. The main components of self-identification as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon include the following: connection with the subject, procedural nature, awareness, autonomy. PS is a type of human activity (an aspect of personal self-identification), implemented within the framework of age, worldview and status changes and, if necessary, regulated by specially provided measures - career guidance, educational process, research work.