© 2019 by Advance Scientific Research. Persons with hearing impairments are a fairly large group of people whose physiological characteristics are poorly understood. Particular attention should be paid to the state of their cardiovascular system due to the fact that the body of a hearing-impaired person develops in reduced motor activity. When measuring hemodynamic parameters in real-time using an ultrasound monitor in girls with varying degrees of hearing loss, differences were revealed compared with those of normally hearing girls. We analyzed the following hemodynamic parameters at rest and after dynamic loading: aortic compliance (C), mean pressure gradient in aorta (Pmn), pulse arterial pressure (BPp), peak velocity (Vpk), and stroke volume variation (SVV). Higher values of mean pressure gradient in aorta, pulse blood pressure, and peak velocity after dynamic loading were obtained. Differences in the dynamics of aortic compliance indicator values were revealed. An assessment of aortic elasticity in girls with hearing impairment is given. These studies can be used during medical examinations in people with disabilities; when compiling guides for doctors and specialists in cardiology and functional diagnostics; in the preparation of teaching aids for specialists in age and sports physiology, teachers and trainers of specialized boarding schools for hearing-impaired and deaf children.