© 2020, Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta. All rights reserved. Objective of the study was to analyze the essential features of the concept "culture" in the context of higher pedagogical education quality improvement project in the academic Physical Education discipline. This publication is a continuation of the previously published articles devoted to the "Development of the higher pedagogical education quality rating system in the academic Physical Education discipline" (S.A. Sedov, 2017), which indicate the need to improve the quality culture as a guarantor of consistency of the educational process with the interests of the stakeholders. The multidimensionality of culture, the variability of interpretations of the concept "quality culture" in different fields of knowledge, the ambiguity of pedagogical interpretation of the category "education quality culture" necessitated the present research. Methods and structure of the study. The study involved a theoretical analysis and synthesis, analysis of the knowledge systems, abstraction and specification, analogy, modeling. A systemic approach was taken as a starting point, which stipulated the study of culture as a system. Results and conclusions. The quality of teachers' training at higher educational institutions is focused on culture (as part of the things existent), which is reflected in the behavior of the participants of the educational process ("specific human existence"), attitudes of all parties concerned (society existence), management system at higher educational institutions (objectified spiritual existence) and the corresponding system of actions (existence of "second" nature). The higher pedagogical education quality culture, as an objective concept, predetermines the level of value being created-the quality of students' training, and therefore, holds the potential to conduct a separate study. In the context of the higher pedagogical education quality improvement project in the academic Physical Education discipline, the concept should be considered as a popular (ethnic) culture. The specificity of the latter is that it is the only culture that has no limitations on being associated with any other form of cultural expression.