Tourism is a sector which has a significant impact on the socio-economic development. This sphere has already become ongoing with other economic industries characterized by the multiple effect due to the generating income. Among all types, domestic tourism becomes a fundamental key as the main source of financial interest from other industries of tourism.
It is necessary to note that this branch is considered to be underdeveloped in Uzbekistan in relation with such foreign countries as Russian Federation, USA, China, Italy and Japan. Moreo-ver, on the initiative of President, particular attention is paid to the development of domestic tour-ism as the state level in Uzbekistan. The project has been realizing since 2018: "Travel around Uz-bekistan!"contributing to the development of domestic tourism industry in Uzbekistan.
The article deals with the study of the experience of Uzbekistan and foreign countries so as to develop domestic tourism by means of promoting methods and styles, based on results sug-gestions have been worked out related to the development of domestic tourism in Uzbekistan. The subject of research is the market of domestic tourism in foreign countries and in Uzbekistan. Research subjects are methods and form of promoting the development of domestic tourism in the world and regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The research is based on theoretical and methodological works of Uzbekistan and foreign scientists and specialists in tourism industry and regional economy. The author sums up foreign and Uzbekistan experience of domestic tourism development and determines main lines for promoting domestic tourism in the regions of Uzbekistan.
In conclusion the author suggests a number of measures to promote this industry in Samarkand, Bukhara, Shakhrisabz and Khorezm regions. Thorough activities aimed at improvement of the relationship between local authorities and tourist businesses, personnel de-velopment, conducting of distribution activities, and active information work.