© 2019, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. To analyse individual and collective investments of individuals in financial markets, we evaluate the combination of the following factors: a list of professional intermediaries working with a particular investment object or collective investment instrument, their market position and work results, the totality of the services and products offered, investment conditions, actual dynamics volumes of investments in a given type of asset, its profitability, as well as the dynamics of the market as a whole. The simplest and most understandable type of financial assets available to individuals is deposits. Bank deposits are popular among individuals; with that, there is an annual increase in demand for this type of asset. Since 2007, there has been an increase in deposits by 16.2 trillion roubles, and in 2018 individuals increased their deposits by 3 trillion roubles; that corresponds to a growth rate of 23.5 %. According to the Agency for Deposit Insurance, in addition to the general dynamics of retail deposits, the following features of the deposit market can be noted: deposits with a term of 1 year to 3 years occupy the largest share in the structure of household deposits; the most popular in the structure of deposits are those with a size of over 1 million roubles, as well as from 100 to 400 thousand roubles.