© 2019 Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. All rights reserved. Malaria, dengue and chikungunya are the most rampant mosquito-borne infections predominantly in Pakistan. They pose a serious threat and cause a havoc for the victims owing to the life threatening signs and symptoms marked with elevated morbidity and mortality rate. It seems hard to discriminate due to common indications, consequently, deserves appropriate diagnosis prior elevated toll of death. Present article encompasses depth insights about their prevalence, diagnosis and clinical manifestation if erupt in the pandemic. However, host-vector-host cycle is the root cause of transmission and diverse mosquito species confer dissimilar infections. Indeed these infections are seasonal but other factors like flood, open irrigation channels, immense agricultural land, rich fauna and water reservoirs can’t be overlooked. Dire need was felt to acknowledge and aware the public about local transmission, vector control, entomologic, research resources, diagnosis and advancement in healthcare system to alleviate them absolutely in future.