© BEIESP. Researchers agree that the reasons for the trauma are the sudden radical changes taking place in society, which lead to a mismatch of all its spheres, especially the social and cultural spheres, causing instability. Today, scientists are focused on cultural trauma, as it is the transformations in the sphere of culture that cause the most serious consequences, have the most significant effect on the life of society. With regard to the problem of cultural trauma role we consider in the development of historical memory, the thing is about a narrative representation of reality both in historical science and in national consciousness as a whole. Also the thing is about the representation of the trauma itself. One should take into account that during the social studies of trauma, most theorists emphasize that often trauma is not so much what really exists or existed; trauma is a social construct created by a social group, ethnic community or society as a whole. Moreover, the creation of this construct is decisively influenced primarily by sociocultural processes. Ethnic conflicts that do not fade in the modern world actualize the development of new methodological approaches to the analysis of both cultural trauma and cultural and historical memory.