© 2019, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. This article presents the results of a study of the relationship between the existing potential of innovative development of a territory that has received special status, and the conditions for moving to the next level of evolution. Inconsistency of the management system with technological potential hampers the industrial and socio-economic development of the territory. The analysis of production technologies opening in the status of resident revealed a negative tendency in a number of areas of priority social and economic development-residents offer technologies of a lower level than those in aboriginal enterprises. This situation is a clear sign of the degradation of the industrial development of the territory. Comparison of the potential that is unique for each territory and the potential necessary for the effective activities of residents will allow us to identify gaps between them and develop targeted programs for the formation of an appropriate institutional environment. Qualitative indicators of the potential for innovative development of the territory are proposed to be evaluated based on the level of technology of key enterprises. Consideration of the evolution of technological structures and the phase of industrial development of the territory on the basis of models of competitive strategies by I. Ansoff made it possible to propose five types of territories of advanced social and economic development in single-industry towns: an industrial city, agglomeration, innovative city, smart city, and cybercity. The presented classification, on the one hand, helps to identify weaknesses in the TASED management system, on the other hand, orients potential residents to the choice of a territory that is more consistent with the level of applied technologies of the created production.