© Zakirova et al. Purposes: This article discusses the problem of listening comprehension as an important and integral part of everyday communication. Despite its impact on the process of language learning, the listening skill was for a long time relegated to a marginal place in foreign language curricula. Methodology: The authors describe a great educational value of authentic materials used in a foreign language classroom to motivate, develop and increase listening skills at the senior stage of teaching. They found it necessary to admit that with the advent of communicative language teaching and the focus on proficiency, the teaching of listening started to increase. Obvious attention is paid to the practical use of available Internet resources that deal with ecological problems which are acute and need the urgent solution in contemporary society. Results: The authors made an attempt to prove that listening should be fully integrated into the foreign language curriculum and given considerable "prime time" in-class activities and homework preparation. In addition, the methodological recommendations on the organization of development of listening skills to improve the overall process of communication are presented.