© 2019, Sciedu Press. All rights reserved. When preparing specialists of Oriental studies, reading fiction in the language being studied is very effective for mastering a foreign language. The fiction text reflects not only the richness of a language and style, but also features of the development of the standard language and changes in its lexical composition. It is also expedient not only to read the literature in the studied language, but also the ability to analyze a literary work in the language this work is written. For this purpose it is necessary to teach students to use literary terms and the style of scientific analysis. Such training facilitates students' understanding of literary works in the language they study, and they use those works when writing course and diploma research papers. This article examines the stages of forming students' ability to analyze a literary work in the studied language. The important stages are the following 1) mastering literary terms and expressions, 2) the use of scientific style in the oral or written analysis of a work. In addition, the teaching comparative-contrastive analysis of the works of Turkish and Russian authors is another significant aspect of the methodology for teaching students the analysis of literary works.