© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. In order to regulate temperature of oil saturation with paraffins to avoid asphaltene, resin and paraffin substances (ARP-S) deposition using thermal method as well as chemical reagents and additives implementation was considered. A particular attention is paid to the chemical composition of the produced hydrocarbons, as well as to the effect of individual high-molecular components of hydrocarbons during the extraction and further transportation at low temperatures and with a temperature gradient difference. The paper presents the influence of hydrocarbon composition on the development mechanism, the composition and the properties of ARP-S. The methods for the removal of deposits associated with the use of various additives and reagents, as well as the methods for the prevention of these sediments development are considered. A brief description of the main classes of chemicals used for the solution of ARP-S prevention and removal problem is given. It was shown that in order to select the most effective ways of organic substance sediment prevention and removal from the physical-chemical point of view, it is necessary to obtain an idea about the composition and the properties of the initial oil and the developed deposits.