In domestic legal science is absent the theoretical understanding of what elements compose state government and how among them are expressed atypical ones, how they are functioning and what potentially destructive consequences for state government they can lead to. Methodology of their research includes 1) conceptual provisions on which the research is based; 2) methods in possession of subject - researcher; 3) tactics and strategy of research. Form of state government in general and emergence of atypical elements in it in particular is under the impact of multiple internal and external in relation to it factors. Special place in research of atypical elements of state government form is occupied by objective law that can impact at it both positively, initiation positive practices, and destructively, leading to aggregation of large number of defective standards. That's why atypical forms of state government can be divided into innovative and archaic (anachronisms). They can be expressed at different levels of state government form (doctrine, normative of legal-realizational). in its functions and signs, Form of state government of Russia also comprises several atypical elements that are bringing in it certain corrections. Atypical elements are legal result of course of complicated and controversial social-political-legal practices, and their research allows to understand in deep and exact manner, first, how functions and develops the state government, and second, what should be done for its strengthening and counteraction top destructive factors.