© 2019, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc.. All rights reserved. The article presents the system "Bus fleet-gas filling complex", as well as its composition and the character of interaction between the elements of this system, which determine the very structure of the system. They use the information characterizing the gas filling complex and the key customer of the gas fuel-the bus fleet as the basis of the developed system. In order to develop the system structure, they applied decomposition methods and system synthesis method. Based on the decomposition, the elements were identified making up the system. These elements are the parameters and the information, characterizing the bus fleet and gas-fuel complex separately. The parameters and the information characterizing the bus fleet are the following ones: vehicle overall dimensions, the information on the route operation, the coordinates for the location of the temporary (route waiting sites) and night (parking lot and ATP garages) parking sites. Parameters and information characterizing the gas filling complex: the remoteness of refueling stations from transport location sites, refueling capacity, geometric dimensions of a station. On the basis of synthesis, intermediate links between the main elements were developed and constraints and requirements acting on the system were revealed. All information is reduced to a graphical representation of system element interconnections.