© 2018, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Cholinergic synaptic contact between motor neuron and skeletal muscle fiber is perhaps one of the core objects for investigations of molecular mechanisms underlying the communication between neurons and innervated cells. In the studies conducted on this object in the past few decades, a large amount of experimental data was obtained that substantially complemented a traditional view on synaptic transmission. In particular, it was established that (i) acetylcholine is released from the nerve ending in both quantal and nonquantal ways; (ii) molecular mechanisms of the processes of the quantal acetylcholine release—spontaneous and evoked by electrical stimuli—have unique features and can be regulated independently; (iii) acetylcholine release from the nerve ending is accompanied by a release of a number of synaptically active molecules modulating the processes of secretion or reception of the main mediator; (iv) signal molecules affecting the process of cholinergic neurotransmission can be released not only from the nerve ending but also from glial cells and muscle fiber; (v) molecular mechanisms of the regulation of synaptic transmission are highly diverse and go beyond the alteration of the number of the released acetylcholine quanta. Thus, the neuromuscular junction shall be deemed currently as complicated and adaptive synapse characterized by a wide range of multiloop intercellular signaling pathways between presynaptic motor neuron ending, muscle fiber, and glial cells ensuring a high safety factor of synaptic transmission and the possibility of its fine tuning.