© 2018, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved. The issue of spiritual and moral upbringing of student-age youth is quite topical for the contemporary Science and practice. The article substantiates the necessity of spiritual and moral upbringing of the young generation on the basis of Christian values, and highlights as well as the gained experience in the implementation of the Christian values into education system of higher educational institutions. The purpose of the present study is to establish psychological patterns and mechanisms of spiritual and moral upbringing of the student‟s personality through inclusion and acceptance of Christian values. The objective of the research involves the solution of the following tasks: carrying out psychological, theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on spiritual and moral upbringing of the personality; providing a system of psychological and pedagogical practices designed to promote spiritual and moral upbringing of the student‟s personality; and developing and testing a training program of spiritual formation of the student‟ personality. The authors have proposed the formation mechanisms of spiritual values of the student‟s personality, and developed psychological training program to form spirituality in the student‟s personality.