© 2018 International Strategic Management Association. All rights reserved. The revealed feature of natural sciences school education today is related to the need for the systemic development of scientific environmental thinking in the structure of environmental competence for a sustainable development. Environmental thinking is viewed as a unity of scientific systems' thinking in the field of natural sciences and corresponding practical activities within sustainable humans' life environment development. Indicators of environmental thinking of teenagers, corresponding principles and pedagogical guidelines for the development of environmental thinking have been theoretically substantiated and experimentally approved. Educational, motivational and behavioral indicators of environmental thinking and four pedagogical guidelines were singled out. Systemic integration of educational, gaming, working and public environmental activities of pupils are proposed. A systemic activity approach strengthening the research orientation and the reflexive nature of the project environmental protection activities of pupils is studied. This approach takes into consideration the age features of pupils when developing a system of practical environmental protection, the organization of joint methodological and educational activities of teachers and the pedagogical characteristics of the education institutions.