© 2018 Here we present the consecutive study of colloid systems formed by novel isatin derivative as compound with high pharmacological potential and series of carboxyresorcinarenes. The azo-modified isatin derivative bearing ammonium moiety (I-3) was synthesized and its antimicrobial activity was investigated. To increase its solubility the solubilization experiment using amphiphilic carboxyresorcinarenes, characterized by low hemolytic activity, was carried out. The I-3 – macrocycles systems were studied by NMR, UV–vis, DLS and TEM. The FT PGSE and 2D NOESY NMR methods demonstrated, that solubilization of I-3 is caused by the incorporation of its molecules in the hydrophobic part of the macrocycles associates. Herewith the loading efficiency of I-3 into the macrocycles associates was reached of 20–30% due to the change of the volume of hydrophobic part of associates by varying the length and structure of hydrophobic substituents of macrocyclic amphiphiles.