© 2018 Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta. All rights reserved. In the selection process, every coach gives a high priority to the athlete's personality qualities plus a variety of mental fitness aspects including the affective tolerance and stress-tolerance rates. These competitive success factors were rated by the Cattel's 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire and computerized Activatiometer AC-9K Test System. Objective of the study was to profile the university athletes' personality qualities versus their competitive success rates. Subject to the tests and analyses under the study were the personality qualities, affective tolerance and stress-tolerance rates of the 19-21 year old students (n=60). The study data and analyses showed that the successful university competitors are tested with higher affective tolerance rates; high working capacity maintenance abilities; higher stress-tolerance rates; and high self-control and self-confidence rates. Most of them demonstrate high self-esteem, ambitions and insistence in a variety of competitive situations; versus the unsuccessful university athletes that tend to explain their failures by the process mismanagement factors and misfortunes.