One of the priority potatoes directions is a grocery half-complex of the Tatarstan Republic is selection of the new highly productive potato sorts steady to action of abiotic and biotic factors and introduction of optimum fertilizer doses providing a steady potato harvest. Researches were conducted on the gray forest midloamy with particle size distribution, for the purpose of establishing optimum nutrition level. For this purpose were studied the efficiency of introduction under an early ripe grade of potatoes Karatop 40t/hectare organic and different doses of mineral fertilizers. As a result of researches it is established that introduction 40t/hectare manure under potatoes increased the area of leaves by 9,56 thousand sq.m/hectare, a tubers harvest on 5,32 t/hectare, gathering starch on 0,88t/hectare, introduction of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N90P90K120 reduced distribution of late blight by 1.29%, early blight for 0,41%, provided a harvest increase on 8,41 t/hectare, the top tubers yield of 28,49 t/hectare was formed at introduction of the raised dose of mineral fertilizers in N120P90K140 dose, however on this background the maintenance of some decrease quality indicators was noted. Keywords: grade, sheet surface, potatoes, productivity, Amylum, vitamin C, Sodium nitritums.