The article presents the results of the research connected with the language of Russian proverbs and sayings of the 18th century language in the aspect of their word-formation characteristics. The paper provides quantitative data on derivative words, materials of the comparative analysis with data of the main historical dictionaries of the Russian language (first of all - "The dictionary of the Russian language of the 18th century" and "The dictionary of the Russian language of the 11-17th centuries"). The research is conducted on the material of "The dictionary of the language of Russian proverbs and sayings (the end of 17th - the first half of the 18th century)" which describes materials of the collection of Petrovsky gallery and combines features of various linguistic reference books, including the word-formation dictionary. The article describes in details the opportunities which are given to the user by both the paper, and electronic version of the dictionary for the study of word-formation features of the Russian language in the first half of the 18th century (the option of the reverse alphabetical sorting of language units, selection of lexemes on a certain combination of letters at the beginning, the middle or the end of the word). A lot of attention is paid to results of radixation which represents allocation of root elements that allows the authors to show the word in all variety of its word-formation links within the studied collections of proverbs and sayings. Examples of words with certain prefixes and suffixes are also presented along with quantitative data (quantity of radixes, words with a certain prefix and other data).