In last decades the metaphor became more and more considered as an important mean of formation of language picture if the works representing by itself the verbalized system of world view of particular nation. The objective of this research is the comparative characteristic of metaphorical symbolism of color name "red" in phraseological fund of German, Russian and Tatar languages. Phraseological and paraemiological funds are preserving information about material and spiritual culture, world view of native language speakers. Color naming often participates in formation of meaning of phraseologisms and paraemies by virtue of actualization of hidden estimate senses characteristic to them. As material of this comparative research of multi-meaning of color names acted adjectives "rot", (Greek Passage) in German, Russian and Tatar linguistic cultures. We analyzed 300 set phrases with components "rot" from national corpus of German language, 207 proverbs and sayings with component (Greek Passage), 71 proverbs and sayings with component (Greek Passage). On the basis of analysis of lexicographic sources and data of corpus researches we came to a conclusion that red color plays an important role in perception of the surrounding world. Semantic of red color in comparing languages is characterized, on one side, by sufficiently high degree of similarity, from another side - by differences that are stipulated by cultural peculiarities, different view of the world by representatives of German, Russian and Tatar ethnic-cultural social media. Theoretical significance of the work is concluded in the fact that results of research are presenting by themselves a certain contribution in development of typological language studies, contrastive semantics, comparative-typology language studies, lexicography and cognitive theory of metaphor.