In article literary and critical activities of the Tatar literary critic J. Validi are researched, characteristic features of author's methodology of the literary process analysis in general and stories of the Tatar literature in particular come to light. Having analyzed works of art of classics in the context of the philosophical and aesthetic concepts developed in the Western European and Russian literaturehe revealed the main development tendencies of the Tatar verbal art of the beginning of the XX century. Articles of the scientist which didn't lose relevance till today allow to consider history of the Tatar literature within the world literature through a prism of national peculiarities. Scientific novelty is determined that for the first time literary and critical activities of the prominent historian of the Tatar social thought, the founder of the Tatar professional literary criticism J. Validi in whose works the principles and methods of studying of historic-and-literary process are transformed are considered in the specified key that promotes more correct statement and the solution of some fundamental, national significant problems. In article for the solution of an effective objective we addressed cultural historically, comparativehistorical, sociological, psychological methods. Besides the methodology of a historical campaign which allows to consider history of studying of the phenomena from the point of view of background of their origin, evolutionary development and historical links is used.