In article the occasional derivation of modern Russian on material of the novel of V. Aksenov "Voltairiens and Voltairiennes" is considered. Applying methods of continuous selection, word-formation, semantic and stylistic analysis, authors make an attempt to systematize the occasional derivatives revealed in the novel, define their structural-semantic features, as well as establish the basic principles of their functioning in work. During research it is revealed that, first, all occasional derivatives can be divided into two types: formed by usual and not usual methods, the suffixation, confixation, preffixation and addition belong to the usual methods used by V. Aksenov in creating nonce words. From not usual the contamination, creation, metathesis from diaeresis are involved. It is established that the most productive are methods of suffixation, confixation, contamination and creation. Dependence of the various method choice of education on author's intention is revealed: for the purpose of stylization the author uses mainly suffixation and addition. For the purpose of combining nominative function and function of language game he mainly addresses methods of contamination and creation. Authors emphasize convention of language material stylization in the novel, refer to examples of deliberately wrong definition of word-formation structure of the word given by the writer, as well as use cases for creating occasional derivatives of the making bases representing deliberate anachronisms as the proof.