© Author(s).At the present stage of higher education development related to the transition of a competent model of learning, the problem of professional training of future teachers is actualized. To determine the problems in the preparation of future experts in the field of primary education, it is not enough to list the competencies that a graduate must master. It is more reasonable to present a model of predicted results as a system of interconnected components. In this regard, the research is directed on identification and justification of the structural components of the professional competence of primary school teachers. The main methods in study of this problem are the comparative and modeling methods, allowing the consideration of different research approaches to understand the structure of teachers’ professional competence and to provide a model of primary school teachers’ professional competence as a system of interrelated components. The article reveals the essence and content of structural components of primary education teachers’ professional competence: professional and personal, contents of the training, professionally-active and motivational. Materials of the article can be used by post-graduate students, competitors and teachers of higher pedagogical educational institutions.