© 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The relevance of the study due to the destruction of the family and parent-child relationship caused by a number of socio-economic and other issues that determine the need for psycho-pedagogical support of their biological families. In this regard, this paper aims to reveal the contents of the program of psychological and pedagogical support biological families of children in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care. A leading approach to the study of this problem is systemic-activity approach, allowing to consider modern approaches to work with the biological family. The article presents the program of psycho-pedagogical support, during the implementation which uses the optimal forms and methods of interaction to strengthen the parent-child relationship, causing significant changes in the family system, ensuring realization and protection of the right of the child to live and grow up in the family. The materials of this paper are of practical value to the work of psychologist of education, social service centers of population and services of psycho-pedagogical support.