© 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The relevance of the research is proved due to the following. The educational sphere in Russia, that includes an upbrining component as well, is undergoing nowadays quality changes the cornerstone of which is the comprehension of universal values and a focus on the rational use of the experience that has been accumulated in the world education. The appeal in this context to the richest heritage of national upbringing traditions as the foundation for the solution of modern problems in humanistic upbrining of the youth is, in our opinion, urgent and relevant. In this regard the article aimes to identify pedagogical conditions of teenagers’ humanity upbringing with progressive national traditions in view. The leading research methods were systematization and generalization of historical-pedagogical facts and concepts, the analysis of actions results, teenagers’ activity and behavior, study and synthesis of educational institutions experience in learners’ humanity upbringing and the use of progressive national traditions in this process, diagnostic techniques, pedagogic experiment. In the article characteristics of teenagers’ humany development have been revealed; criteria of teenagers’ humanity development have been singled out; pedagogical conditions necessary and sufficient for upbringing teenagers’ humanity on progressive national traditions have been substantiated. The materials of this article may be useful to school teachers, guidance teachers, tutors, providers of education.