© 2016 Zakirova and Purik.The current interest to the issue of this work lies in the fact that a professional competence of a designer needs highly developed abilities to create new and different projects of high esthetic value in compliance with the current regulations. Image visualization abilities development needs special conditions encouraging personal creativity. The aim of the article is to define main components of a design teaching technology: creative conditions formation, including methods of active teaching (brainstorming, work in creative groups, critical practice work, constructive dialog, a method of design sketches or clausura projects, a complex of a practical creative tasks, an ability to comprehend and conduct an analysis of art and design objects. The main method in this research was a modelling method allowing to consider a creativity development problem as a directed and organized process of future designers’ significant professional skills and features enhancing. This article contains consideration of creative components of a design education. These components are understood as main constituents of a successful education process which provide development of the following abilities and significant professional skills: ability to implement knowledge acquired during a constant self- development process and to carry out a flexible actions strategy; creative thinking, an ability abstract from stereotypes and consider a problem from different aspects. We have proved that such creative environment including motivation-supported, emotional, active, control and estimating components develop effective creative abilities, appropriate assessment of one’s own or other’s creative product. The results of the article are of practical importance in design education implementation, especially in composition studies, shape formation studies, professional training at design universities or colleges.