© 2016 Velieva.The urgency of research is caused by the growth of risky behaviours among children and adolescents, which poses a serious danger to their physical, mental and moral health, leads to biological, genetic and social degradation, poses a threat to the health and well-being of society as a whole. In this regard, this article aims to identify psycho-pedagogical conditions of prevention of addictive behaviours in adolescents. The leading approach to the study of this problem was organizational psychology, identify professional resources for the education system to a comprehensive, systemic effects on a minor for the purpose of formation of culture and attitudes on healthy and safe lifestyle. The article reveals that the prevention and overcoming of teenagers ' propensity to addiction in the conditions of modern educational space is possible through the implementation of organizational and psychological models of preventive work. The structure of organizational-psychological model of modular system of training lessons, which includes cognitive, autopsychological, technological, axiological and components of valeological. Effectiveness of individual and group interactive forms of content modular system in the preventive work on the prevention of addictive behaviours in adolescents. It is proved that preventive pedagogical activity must be prolonged, complex and carry the complementary kind. Intermediate revealed positive changes, which suggest that the application of modular system of training classes «my Choice» reduces the risk of initiation of adolescents to substance abuse and to other forms of addictive behavior. A modular system of training classes «my Choice» can be used in practice of educational establishments for work with adolescents 14-17 years.